Welcome to my Blog. I'm a practising member of SGI-UK a lay buddhist organisation practising the Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin. It is often described as a practise of Active Humanism which I think reflects it perfectly. The basic practise is the chanting of 'Nam Myoho Renge Kyo' on a daily basis and putting the practise into use in our daily lives thereby making this a practical rather than esoteric form of Buddhism. For more information, please follow the Buddhist links on the right of this page

“Prayer is the courage to persevere. It is the struggle to overcome our own weakness and lack of confidence in ourselves. It is the act of impressing in the very depths of our being the conviction that we can change the situation without fail. Prayer is the way to destroy all fear. It is the way to banish sorrow, the way to light a torch of hope. It is the revolution that rewrites the scenario of our destiny... Believe in yourself! Don't sell yourself short! Devaluing yourself is contrary to Buddhism, because it denigrates the Buddha state of being within you.”.
Daisaku Ikeda.

My own personal Sado

Damp and foggy today and have to say that reflects my mood somewhat.
Xmas is looming along with the trip to the relatives. Hopefully this year my 13 year old neice won't be the brat from hell that she was last year !! And to top everything off, the trains are now on strike on Xmas eve so I will have to go a day early and be there an extra day .. oh joy !!!
But I guess there isn't much I can do apart from suffer it as gracefully as I can do. I know, as a Buddhist, I should use it as a challenge to break through but each year it just makes me feel more and more like locking myself away in a darkened room with a packet of razor blades and the collected works of Leonard Cohen.
But .. I guess there is an upside .. I do usually feel a lot more alive once I;ve got back to Nottingham and make promises to do more in the new year (though that often fades) ... Anyway ... I'll be going well armed this year with books, portable DVD player and MP3 player so at least I should be able to blot out some of their usual TV .. which will be something along the lines of Coronation st, emmerdale, Xmas Millionaire, queens speech etc etc .. something akin to having your soul sucked out !!!
Anyway .... now I have to go early, I'm all over the place with things to do .. and I really want to do loads of chanting before I go so best get on with it ... hopefully might blog from my sisters ... if I haven't slipped into a coma !!!

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