I'm angry ... well .. just a little bit and at myself !!
A few years ago, I left the place I worked to concentrate on the web design and on the whole it's been ok. Two main problems though .. firstly, I probably make about 85% of what I NEED to earn and have subsidised through loans/credit cards etc and it's got to the point where I need to do something about it ! .. The second thing is that basically I live the life of a pensioner, sometimes not going outside for days !!
Last night I just got really pissed off with myself and stuck a big note in front of my Gohonzon basically saying 'get a life' !! So this morning, instead of my usual getting up around 10am (or later), I got up at 8am with the intention of working more, though the reality is that I'm blogging and faffing about but I'd probably have done that anyway. I do need to get in the habit of getting up earlier though so I'll try to stick to that.
Re the money side, I definitely need a second income and would also like to be more selective about the web jobs I take on. I'd like to go back to when I enjoyed doing web design rather than having to do it to pay the bills !! So with that in mind, I'm currently going through the process of doing some online tests for a company that does business research via the web and then inputting the data on their database. If I do 4 hours a day of that and with even just half of my usual web income, I'd be just about ok, and the reality is that my web income would probably not drop much at all so I'd be a lot better off financially which would be a weight off my mind.
The problem with that though is that I'm still going to be stuck at home, though I suppose the income would mean (providing I keep getting up at 8!) that I can pop out for a couple of hours in the afternoon, which will be nice with Spring not too far away.
I'm also setting up a few web sites using amazon associates so that when people click a book (like on the right of the blog) and buy something from them, I get a few % of the sale ... probably won't bring in large sums but if I do a few sites it might work .. apparently some people earn 1000s but I'm sure they study it carefully ... Hopefully I'll bring a couple of hundred in eventually though it definitely takes time.
Anyway .. that's 1 1/2 hours wasted now so better actually do some work :-)
I'll keep you posted.
and wow .. how 'karmic' is that .. I was just looking for something when a Buddhist book opened up and I read the following quote:
"Intertia is subtle, it creeps up unnoticed. One who forgets about daily renewal and improvement, snugly content with the status quo, is already in its grips."mmmm time to change methinks !!!!