Welcome to my Blog. I'm a practising member of SGI-UK a lay buddhist organisation practising the Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin. It is often described as a practise of Active Humanism which I think reflects it perfectly. The basic practise is the chanting of 'Nam Myoho Renge Kyo' on a daily basis and putting the practise into use in our daily lives thereby making this a practical rather than esoteric form of Buddhism. For more information, please follow the Buddhist links on the right of this page

“Prayer is the courage to persevere. It is the struggle to overcome our own weakness and lack of confidence in ourselves. It is the act of impressing in the very depths of our being the conviction that we can change the situation without fail. Prayer is the way to destroy all fear. It is the way to banish sorrow, the way to light a torch of hope. It is the revolution that rewrites the scenario of our destiny... Believe in yourself! Don't sell yourself short! Devaluing yourself is contrary to Buddhism, because it denigrates the Buddha state of being within you.”.
Daisaku Ikeda.

Buddhist Determinations

As a Buddhist, each new year, we make new 'determinations' for the year ahead. These are kind of similar in some ways to resolutions but are intended to be supported by our buddhist practise.

I have had quite a few in my head but maybe it's age as I keep forgetting them, so I'm going to list them below ... will be interesting to see how many I achieve !!

In no particular order:

1) To never miss morning or evening gongyo even if it's only a short one( ie the buddhist practise)

2) To read all 12 volumes of 'the human revolution' by the end of the year (currently on vol 2)

3) To look after my health, remembering that I'm no longer 20 (or even 30 or 40 !) and get my BP down

4) To earn more money and to double my biggest KR contribution next time

5) To have 10 new men or older young men practising in our chapter by the end of the year

6) To go and chant with one man in our chapter per week

7) To be in a relationship by May 3rd 2009


Sibri said...

May 3rd is a very precise date..


Chanting Buddha said...

It's the end of the 'campaign with no name' date and also Soka Gakkai day .. so not completely random lol