Welcome to my Blog. I'm a practising member of SGI-UK a lay buddhist organisation practising the Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin. It is often described as a practise of Active Humanism which I think reflects it perfectly. The basic practise is the chanting of 'Nam Myoho Renge Kyo' on a daily basis and putting the practise into use in our daily lives thereby making this a practical rather than esoteric form of Buddhism. For more information, please follow the Buddhist links on the right of this page

“Prayer is the courage to persevere. It is the struggle to overcome our own weakness and lack of confidence in ourselves. It is the act of impressing in the very depths of our being the conviction that we can change the situation without fail. Prayer is the way to destroy all fear. It is the way to banish sorrow, the way to light a torch of hope. It is the revolution that rewrites the scenario of our destiny... Believe in yourself! Don't sell yourself short! Devaluing yourself is contrary to Buddhism, because it denigrates the Buddha state of being within you.”.
Daisaku Ikeda.

Existentialism and all that Jazz

Another late start this morning .. I seem to be losing a big chunk of each day to inertia .. and possibly the whisky I drank at last night's Jazz gig which caused me to fall asleep on the sofa when I got home until nearly 3am !!

Whilst I'm a great believer in not running around like a headless chicken and in allowing for leisurely time, I'm also aware that it's a dominant trait of mine and whilst it can be enjoyable, it probably is one of the root causes of my 'sufferings' ie lack of money (don't do enough work) ... So, true to the Buddhist spirit of Honin Myo (starting from this moment), yet again I'm determined to change that aspect of me (though starting work at around 11am might not be the best start to get off to !

Anyway .. to inspire me, whilst having my morning Cuppa, I listened to part of a recording from our HQs Buddhist course last year at Taplow Court with Robert Samuels talking about 'The time is Now' and using a section from President Ikeda's 1998 Peace Proposal where he discusses Berdjaev's view on Existential Time and I've transcribed it below ... because it realy just sums up what I need to sort in my life ... so here goes ....

"In the course of our daily existence, we tend, idly, to allow time to slide by, letting tommorrow come as a mere extension of today without purposeful exertion.

Such days become expanses of inertia and we lose sight of the critically important fact that a fruitful tommorrow comes only after a well lived today."

He also goes on to note that we have to break free of the daily inertia and experience the sense of joy and fulfilment that comes from seizing the moment and fulfilling our inate human mission.
So that's my blog for today .. and now to do some daimoku (chanting) and to paraphrase the above .. kick my ass into gear .. !!


Sibri said...

Fantastic quotes there Charlie!

Tamarai said...

Hey, Charlie - is there more to this quote than this? Is there a lecture or something that's been transcribed? I'll be very interested.

Chanting Buddha said...

Hi Tanya .... Yes I believe it was taken from President Ikeda's Peace Proposal of 1998 which is online at


hope that helps
